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78. Does your team know how to learn? Best practices on team reflections.

A team performance episode typically unfolds as follows: forming, storming, norming, and then performing. But there’s a fifth and final stage - adjourning - which is commonly overlooked.

This is the stage where team reflections should take place.

The process focus for team reflections should entail being (a) transparent with what actually happened, (b) being comfortable inspecting and dissecting all the variables that contributed to the outcome, and then (c) adapting where necessary for future team interactions.

Throughout this process, team members should focus on three core values, including (a) being open to feedback, (b) respecting the positions and opinions of others, and (c) having the courage to admit opportunities for improvement.

Finally, there are three key questions that team members should ask each other, including, (a) What went well?; (b) What assumptions did we make?; and (c) What problems did we encounter?

Throughout these reflections, everything is fair game, from processes and tools employed to team member interactions.

Agile teams aren’t afraid to reflect. This is the best way to enhance team learning.


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